Hi, I'm Melissa Brooks.

Back in 2002, I was a young Massage Therapist, just back from a month in Thailand learning the ancient art of Thai Yoga Massage.

It was at that time I met my soon-to-be husband, Harry, a marketing professional who specialized in digital marketing.

Back then, website marketing was just a budding industry, and it really was the wild west for those early players in the industry.

We didn't know it at the time, but that's when mBody Marketing was born.

More of Our Story...

Though it was changing fast back then, core marketing principles existed as they exist now.  And it wasn't long before Harry was asking lots of questions...

  • How do clients find you?
  • What's the lifetime value of a new client?
  • How many times do clients re-book?
  • Why don't you have your own office?
  • How do splits work?

And so it was...Harry on the marketing and me doing what I do best, building a massage and skincare company.

In 2018, I began using the Bemer for myself and for many clients. This bridged a gap that emerged in therapy for many regulars. It allowed them to really make progress in their well-being. Becoming a Bemer distributor presented a new opportunity to network with other massage therapists to promote and use the amazing technology Bemer represents.

In networking, I discovered another huge gap. This one with the way other therapists - in all modalities - were marketing themselves.

Not only were most not able to market the Bemer effectively, but they couldn't market their core services either!

Massage therapists, and all bodywork professionals, need help marketing their services. So mBody Marketing was born.

mBody Marketing is a way to bring the knowledge of an experienced massage therapist with the marketing expertise of an executive level marketer to the bodywork and wellness industry...without crushing expenses.

This endeavor is meant to bring fast, actionable advice to bodywork and wellness therapists that can be done on your own, on your own time, and at very little - or no - cost.

Welcome to mBody Marketing. We're here to help you succeed.


Drop me a line!

Any questions or comments at all - I'd love to hear from you!